This whole site is based on the unhealthy belief that holding on to the past is a good thing. The whole idea behind it is broken.
It attracts people with an unhealthy mind and attitudes, and repels those with a good head over their shoulders.
What kind of community do you expect to find here? It'll be a terrible influence for you to even mix with. You'd pick up on all the same bad mental habits.
For proof take a look at most people here and their weird obsessive behaviors, copying things from Wayback and all this nonsense.
Stuck in their own minds trying to live something that's gone and will never come back, something that doesn't exist anymore, glorifying an overrated dream, too stubborn to see the good things from the present instead.
In most cases they never even lived this kind of YouTube when it was actually relevant.
In a couple years they'll be trying to relive what's now the present after missing out on it too. They choose to always stay behind.
Logically when you realize you are a product of your environment, you should immediately stop making this your environment.
Is this REALLY the life you aspire to have and the person you want to be?
If not, you should leave immediately.
I'm not surprised the original owner was too weak to even pay me a bounty after I reported a SQL injection to him exposing all of your info.
I could have leaked it out there for people to do bad stuff with.
I could have made the whole site go poof with a few keystrokes. I bet some dumbass here would have done it for attention.
Instead he gave up and sold the site off a few days after.
But you wouldn't expect any more from the owner of a site based on a broken idea...
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